A-WOW Global Initiative Africa main objectives:
  • Educate young women to develop and display positive self-worth and healthy relationships with self, others and their environment through financial, identity, psychological and social capital.
  • Raise awareness and gain momentum of global leadership issues challenging young women through bridging culture and gender barriers to tackle the challenges together by becoming positive change agents for home, community, businesses, their country, and in a global economy.
  • Inspire young women to successfully demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning: this includes authentic leadership development, life skills, social competencies, and character development.

    Bolgatanga Girls Senior High School [Zare, Ghana]

    Froswa Booker- Drew facilitator of A-WOW’s weekly international webinars. Weekly webinars are held every Saturday at 9:00 am CST and 3:00 pm Ghana time.
    “Transforming Leadership One Girl At A Time.”

    A-WOW is proud to share our 2012 accomplishments.  
    A-WOW in partnership with Impact Life launched a weekly radio program.  WINGS OF IMPACT (WOI) a non-political, non-tribal radio program that seeks to rebrand lives through the dissemination of proven principles and information. A motivational, inspirational, educative, challenging radio program to make positive impact on people. It also seeks to challenge the status quo and bring people from their seemingly comfort zones into the limelight of unlimited opportunities, possibilities and responsibilities.    

     Mcdavie Yinpang - Director   Bolgatanga, Ghana - Impact Life 

     Together we transformed the lives by mobilizing and providing transportation in rural areas for youth attending our trainings and summer conferences.
