Married to a wonder
man Tyrone Diaz, Debra Lewis Diaz is the mother of four biological daughters and one foster
daughter. She is presently pursuing a
Diploma in Pastoral Theology. She is a former High School Information
Technology teacher Co-Founder of Project Safe House, Administrator of The Open
Bible Institute of Theology. She is further involved in outreach programs within her own community and through
evangelistic work in the Victoria Railway Line attached to the Ste Madeleine
Open Bible Church South Trinidad.
The Birth of Project Safe
House : Welcoming
individuals and families into her home became the catalyst for evolving growth
for Project Safe House. Pregnant teens and victims of incest have been assisted
in tangible ways (Housing, Food, clothing, counsel and training).
Mrs. Lewis Diaz is consistently seeks
avenues to realizing this dream.
Networking with similar individuals and organization even consulting
with relevant agencies is at the forefront of this philanthropic idea.